Learning Tapestry Privacy Policy

Last modified: June 28, 2024


We recognize that your privacy is very important. This privacy policy covers the policies of Learning Tapestry, Inc. ("Learning Tapestry", “we”, “us”, or our") on the collection, use, and disclosure of your information, including any personally identifiable information or other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you (“Personal Data”) when you access our mobile application (the “App”).

Each time you use our App, you consent to the collection, use and storage of the collected information as described in this Privacy Policy. Please read it carefully and contact us at privacy@learningtapestry.com if you have any questions.

1. What information do we collect

Registration, Profile and Payment Information. At this moment, our App does not provide any features allowing you to create an account, a profile or make a payment. We will not be collecting any data relating to those activities.

Automatically Collected Online Usage Activity.

As is true of most applications, we gather certain information automatically when you use our App. When you use our App, we may collect certain information automatically from you, which may include mobile device ID and usage information, such as your browser and device characteristics, operating system, language preferences, referring URLs, device name, country, location, information about how and when you use our App and other technical information.

App and Customer Support. When you reach out to us for customer support, we may collect information such as your name and email address to provide such support.

2. How do we use the collected information?

We use the information we collect for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, as covered in any agreement that incorporates this Privacy Policy, or as disclosed to you in connection with our App. For example, we will use your information to:

  • Provide and deliver the App;
  • Operate and improve our operations, systems, products, and App;
  • Provide customer and service support, such as sending confirmations and other administrative messages;
  • Enforce our terms and conditions or protect our business, partners, or users; or
  • Protect against, investigate, and deter fraudulent, unauthorized, or illegal activity

Aggregate Data. In an ongoing effort to better understand and to serve the users of our App, we may conduct market research on our users such as their general locations (through IP addresses), browser and device characteristics and language preferences. This research may be compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis and this aggregate information does not identify you personally and will not be treated as Personal Data under this Privacy Policy.

Legal Basis For Processing. When we process your information we will only do so where at least one of the following applies:

  • Provide our service to you: Most of the time, the reason we process your information is to perform the contract that you have with us. For example, if you email us to request for customer support, we will use your email to communicate with you and provide such support.
  • Legitimate interests: We may use your information where we have legitimate interests to do so. We analyze aggregated and/or anonymous user activities on our App to continuously improve our App and for market research purposes. We process information for administrative, fraud detection and other legal purposes.
  • Consent: From time to time, we may ask for your consent to use your information for certain specific reasons. You may withdraw your consent at any time by utilizing the opt-out features available in your account settings, if available, or by contacting us at the address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.
  • Legal Compliance: When it is necessary for us to use your information to comply with a legal obligation.

3. Is Information Collected by or Disclosed to Third Parties by using the App?

We do not share, sell or rent to third parties your information except as described in this Privacy Policy. Examples of instances in which we share your information are provided below:

  1. Third party service providers. We, like many businesses, sometimes engage other companies to perform certain business-related functions on our behalf so that we can focus on our core business. Examples of these services include, but are not limited to website evaluation and data analysis, customer support, error tracking and internet security and DDoS mitigation. We authorize them to use this Personal Data only in compliance with data security and privacy standards.
  2. Business transfers. We may sell, assign, buy, transfer or otherwise acquire or dispose of certain of our businesses or corporate assets. In the event of such or similar event, Personal Data we collected from you may be part of the transferred assets. We may also share Personal Data with our auditors, attorneys or other advisors in connection with the forgoing corporate transactions. You acknowledge and agree that any successor to or acquirer of us will continue to have the right to use your Personal Data and other information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.
  3. Aggregate Data In an ongoing effort to better understand and to serve the users of our App, we may conduct research on users such as their general locations (through IP addresses), browser and device characteristics and language preferences. This research may be compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis, shared with Users or third parties and this aggregate information does not identify you personally and will not be treated as Personal Data under this Privacy Policy.
  4. App Analytics We use analytics providers such as Google Analytics to help us track user interactions with content on the site for the purposes of monitoring the performance. For more information as to the type of information Google Analytics collects and how Google handles data please visit them here: https://policies.google.com/privacy.
  5. Legal requirements. We may disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law (including, without limitation responding to a subpoena or request from law enforcement, court or government agency or other public authorities) or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary (i) to comply with a legal obligation, (ii) to protect or defend our rights, interests or property or that of other customers or users, (iii) to act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the App or the public, or (iv) to protect against legal liability or potential fraud, as determined in our sole discretion.
  6. Your consent. If we intend to use any of your Personal Data collected in any manner that is not specified herein, we will inform you of such anticipated use prior to or at the time at which such Personal Data is collected or we will obtain your consent subsequent to such collection but prior to such use. In short, we will honor the choices you make regarding your Personal Data and will inform you about any other intended uses of such information.

4. How Does Learning Tapestry Comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act?

Our App does not collect personal information from children under the age of 13.

5. What are my data protection rights under General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and its Swiss and UK GDPR counterparts?

If you are located in countries that are within the European Economic Area (the “EEA”) Switzerland or UK, GDPR and its UK and Swiss GDPR counterparts gives you rights with respect to your personal data, subject to any exemptions provided by the law, including the rights to:

  • Request access to your Personal Data;
  • Request correction or deletion of your Personal Data;
  • Object to our use and processing of your Personal Data;
  • Request that we limit our use and processing of your Personal Data; and
  • Request portability of your Personal Data.

You can usually access, correct, or delete your personal data by contacting us at privacy@learningtapestry.com . We will consider all such requests and provide our responses as soon as we can. Please note, however, that personal information may be exempt from such requests in certain circumstances, which may include circumstances where we need to keep processing your personal information for our legitimate interests or to comply with a legal obligation. Users located in the EEA, Switzerland or UK also have the right to make a complaint to a government supervisory authority.

6. Cross-Border Data Transfers

Sharing of information laid out in Section 3 sometimes involves cross-border data transfers, for instance to the United States of America and other jurisdictions. Learning Tapestry may also subcontract processing to, or share your Personal Data with, third parties located in countries other than your home country. Your Personal Data, therefore, may be subject to privacy laws that are different from those in your country of residence.

We may store the Personal Data on servers hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Like Learning Tapestry, helping to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data is of the utmost importance to AWS, as is maintaining customer trust and confidence. For more details of AWS’ privacy and security processes, please visit https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/data-privacy/ >". By using our App, you consent to your personal information being transferred to our servers as set out in this policy.

Where our App allow for users located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), Switzerland or UK, and when we transfer their Personal Data to countries outside of the EEA, Switzerland or UK as processors, we transfer the Personal Data in accordance with applicable privacy laws and, in particular, that appropriate contractual, technical, and organizational measures in place such as the Standard Contractual Clauses (https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/standard-contractual-clauses-scc_en) approved by the EU Commission. Standard Contractual Clauses are commitments between companies transferring personal data, binding them to protect the privacy and security of your data.

7. How long does Learning Tapestry retain information collected?

We follow generally accepted standards to store and protect the Personal Data we collect, both during transmission and once received and stored, including utilization of encryption where appropriate. We retain Personal Data only for as long as necessary to provide the App you have requested and thereafter for a variety of legitimate legal or business purposes. These might include retention periods (i) mandated by law, contract or similar obligations applicable to our business operations; (ii) for preserving, resolving, defending or enforcing our legal/contractual rights; or (iii) needed to maintain adequate and accurate business and financial records. If you have any questions about the security or retention of your Personal Data, you can contact us at privacy@learningtapestry.com .

8. What is Learning Tapestry’s Security Policy?

We have implemented reasonable administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, destruction or alteration. For example, we limit access to this information to authorized employees and contractors who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our App. All sensitive information is protected behind firewalls and multiple layers of security systems. However, although we endeavor to provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can ever be 100% secure.

9. How Does Learning Tapestry Respond to “Do Not Track” Signals?

“Do Not Track” is a feature enabled on some browsers that sends a signal to request that a web application disable its tracking or cross-site user tracking. At present, Learning Tapestry does not respond to or alter its practices when a Do Not Track signal is received.

10. Your Rights and Your Choices.

You can request in writing copies of personal information about you held by us. If that information is inaccurate, please let us know and we will endeavor to make the necessary amendments, erase, or block the relevant information as you request.

11. How Will I Be Notified of Changes to Your Privacy Policy?

If Learning Tapestry makes material changes to its Privacy Policy, it will notify you by: (i) changing the Last Updated Date at the top of the Privacy Policy and/or (ii) adding a statement to the Site.

12. Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding privacy while using our App, or have questions about our practices, please contact us at privacy@learningtapestry.com .